Terms of Use

Last updated: July 29th, 2023

Welcome to Skyborne Informer. Please read these Terms of Use carefully because they outline your rights and responsibilities, as well as ours, all of which constitute a legally binding agreement between you and this website.

If you’re unable to agree to the following terms, you must leave this website immediately.

  1. General Access:

    Your access to and use of Skyborne Informer is free of charge. We do not charge any fees for accessing the content or using the services provided on this website. At our discretion, reserve the right to restrict content to certain users who harass, tamper with our website, or violate our rules.
  2. Third-Party Advertisements:

    Our blog may display advertisements from third-party ad networks. Please note that these ads are not endorsed, controlled, or managed by our blog. They are provided by independent advertisers and companies to promote their products or services. While we strive to display reputable and relevant ads, we do not assume responsibility for the content, accuracy, or legality of these third-party advertisements. Users may choose to interact with these ads at their own discretion. It is important to acknowledge that third-party ad networks have their own separate terms of use and privacy policies that you must review and agree to when engaging with their ads. We encourage our users to read and understand the policies of these third-party ad networks to make informed decisions while interacting with their advertisements on our blog.
  3. Content Usage and Copyright:

    All content on this website, unless specifically stated otherwise, is the exclusive property of Skyborne Informer and is protected by copyright laws. This includes all text, images, graphics, videos, and any other materials present on this website. With the exception of copyrighted material that is in the public domain or third-party intellectual property that is properly attributed (including content used under fair use principles), and/or licensed property, reproduction, distribution, or any form of unauthorized use of the content is strictly prohibited without obtaining explicit permissions from Skyborne Informer. Users are urged to respect intellectual property rights and adhere to copyright laws when accessing and interacting with the content provided on this website.
  4. Third-Party Affiliation Disclaimer:

    We want to make it clear that Skyborne Informer is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with the owners of any third-party organizations, products, or services that may be mentioned, advertised, or linked on the website. References to third-party entities are for informational purposes (based solely on our free speech opinion) only and do not imply any endorsement or partnership with them. Any trademarks, logos, or brand names used in connection with third-party content are the property of their respective owners. Skyborne Informer assumes no responsibility for the actions, products, or services of these third-party entities. Users are advised to exercise caution and conduct their own research when interacting with any third-party organizations or external links mentioned on our website.

    Furthermore, this disclaimer extends to attributed third-party intellectual property used on the website. While we may include content from third-party sources, it is important to reiterate that we are not affiliated with the owners of this intellectual property, and such content is used solely for informational or illustrative purposes with proper attribution and in accordance with applicable copyright laws. We do not claim ownership of any third-party intellectual property used on the website, and all rights to such content remain with its original creators or owners. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon, please contact us promptly so that we can take appropriate action.
  5. Content Disclaimer:

    The content presented on this website is for entertainment purposes and represents the opinions of Skyborne Informer. It is essential to understand that the information provided here is not intended to constitute professional advice, including but not limited to legal advice, financial advice, medical advice, regulatory advice (such as pilot training and procedures), or career advice. The website’s content is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or consulting with qualified professionals in the relevant fields. Career decisions are significant and should be made after careful consideration of one’s unique circumstances. Users are encouraged to seek personalized career advice and direction from reputable career counselors, mentors, or industry experts. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not make any warranties or representations concerning the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the content. Skyborne Informer and its representatives disclaim any liability for any damages, disability, or adverse outcomes resulting from actions taken based on the content provided on this website. By using this website, you agree to accept full responsibility for your decisions and agree not to hold Skyborne Informer liable for any consequences arising from your use of the information presented herein. You also agree to indemnify us for any damages that may arise from your use of our website.

    While we do not intend to offend anyone, we understand that a tiny portion of readers could find certain content offensive. We strive to maintain a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere on our website, and we expect all users to have a reasonable sense of humor. However, we cannot be held responsible should you find any of our content offensive in any way, shape, or form. Your use of this website signifies your acknowledgement and acceptance of this understanding. If you encounter any content that you believe is inappropriate or offensive, please feel free to bring it to our attention so that we can address it accordingly. We value your feedback as we continually strive to create a positive and respectful experience for all users.
  6. Expected User Conduct:

    We expect all users to conduct themselves responsibly and adhere to the following guidelines when using our website: Treat others with respect and courtesy, avoiding offensive language, harassment, or discriminatory behavior. Abide by all applicable laws and refrain from engaging in illegal activities, including doxxing, blackmail, extortion, harassment, or any other unlawful activity. Respect intellectual property rights and do not post copyrighted material without proper authorization. Safeguard personal information and avoid sharing others’ private data without consent. Refrain from spamming, phishing, or sharing malicious content. Submit relevant, constructive, and appropriate user-generated content, avoiding harmful or offensive material. Utilize the website responsibly and for its intended purposes, refraining from disruptive behavior. Comply with the website’s Terms of Use and report any violations or suspicious activities to administrators. We will not hesitate to report any unlawful activities, including harassment, to law enforcement authorities and your internet service provider. Additionally, we reserve the right to take necessary actions in response to guideline violations, including content removal, warnings, account suspensions, or restricting access to our website, in order to maintain a safe, welcoming, and lawful environment for all users.
  7. DMCA Takedowns:

    Requests for Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedowns can be addressed to us at our Contact Us page (see the site’s footer).
  8. Privacy Policy:

    You must also agree to our Privacy Policy (see the site’s footer).
  9. Changes to Terms of Use:

We hereby inform all users that we reserve the right to modify, amend, or update the Terms of Use for this website at any time without prior notice. Changes to the Terms of Use may occur to reflect updates in legal requirements, improvements in user experience, or any other relevant reasons. It is the responsibility of all users to regularly review the Terms of Use to stay informed of any revisions. Continued use of this website after any modifications to the Terms of Use shall constitute your acceptance of the updated terms. If you do not agree with the changes, you must discontinue using this website. We value transparency and will make efforts to notify users of significant changes to the Terms of Use through prominent announcements on the website.